Why Jean Fleming?
I am uniquely qualified to coach you. As well as my significant board level experience and leadership background, I am so utterly passionate about this, and have an energy that has to be seen to be believed! I will put my heart and soul into you. I have worked in several businesses, in various roles, overseas, for large companies, in small companies, in an advisory capacity, I’ve been self-employed, and I’ve been in higher education several times. I’m also a working parent, which brings its own set of challenges!
I understand deadlines, late nights, early mornings, watching other people being promoted over you, national and international travel and how unglamorous it actually is, missing family stuff, budget cuts, unreasonable bosses, underperforming juniors, your business being in the media spotlight, everyone demanding everything from you NOW! I get it. I really do.
I’m a woman in business, a working parent, and a member of the board. I have been through many different challenges in my life and I’m proud of how I’ve succeeded at what life has thrown at me. What I am not though, is super-woman. I am human. I get things wrong sometimes, but it’s allowed! I worry about my work life balance and all the other things that you probably worry about. I consciously do things that scare me. That’s ok but I never let it stop me doing anything.
So I’m an accredited coach with the qualifications and experience you’d expect from a half-decent executive coach, but what else sets me apart from the others? Character and personality, that’s what! One thing I definitely am not is dull. I’m one of those people who gets up at stupid o’clock every day, says yes to everything and really goes for it, whether it’s a massive project at work or a fancy dress party outfit!
I also genuinely love coaching. It’s what gets me up in the morning. It inspires me. I believe life is too short not to live it fully and I genuinely love helping people to do this. I’m incredibly proud of the people I have coached and I know that if I have done a good job for them, they will spread the word for me. Doing the best job I can means that I only take on a certain number of clients at a time. You will always be able to book time to see me.
What I also bring to the table, is the experience of having been coached myself. I was coached through a difficult relationship with an old boss, through setting up my own business, through a wobble of confidence, through grief and just generally when developing my skills and making decisions about my career. I know what worked for me and what I don’t think works so well.
Part of our work together will involve you taking a risk of some sort and here, you are in supremely capable hands! I consistently push myself out of my comfort zone. See the About section for details!
A lot of my clients are women for obvious reasons, but many of the men I have coached have said they found having a female perspective was really helpful, especially where they had a female boss or team member. There is a lot of research which shows that for some reason, women are not very good at blowing their own trumpet at work and don’t put themselves forward for promotion in the same way that men do. I know this is a generalisation and I know plenty of women who need no such help with their trumpets, but many do. Seeing the difference the right sort of coaching made to some of these women was really rewarding.
I am a highly educated, experienced businesswoman. Modest too, you might add! Would you really trust your own development with someone who can’t even big herself up on her own website? I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved in my career and in my personal life. Less life-changing personal achievements include jumping out of a plane, climbing 3 mountains in a weekend (twice!), and running through 10k of mud – all for fun!
So there you go: I’ve told you ‘why Jean Fleming’. I can work organisation-wide, with certain individuals, teams or departments. I promise you realistic, practical coaching delivered in a frank and honest way, with decent coffee and a few laughs along the way!