Career coaching
Gone are the days of a job for life. Workers move from one job to another more than they ever have done for a variety of reasons. Job security is also not what it used to be as the economy and the job market fluctuates. A career change may involve changing jobs, departments or moving to a new company.
Does your work/life balance need attention? Do you desperately crave more fulfilling work? Are you worried about job security where you are at the moment, or is it as simple as wanting more money? Have you realised you no longer want to do what you’re doing?
Many of us find ourselves on a treadmill and feel like it’s impossible to get off. We choose a career we think will suit us, do a relevant (ish) degree, maybe some postgraduate study, get on a graduate training scheme perhaps, all the while racking up debts and getting more and more specialised in our experience, only to find we don’t actually enjoy the job once we’re there. It can be incredibly difficult to leave, particularly if we’re actually making a success of it. It can feel easier to stay but over time, this will start to affect your confidence and performance at work. Change is scary, but doing nothing is scary too. Think about what proportion of your life you spend at work. Please don’t spend it doing a job that makes you unhappy!
Things I can help you with:
clarity of thought – what you want to do and how to get there
CV writing, interviews, presentations, assessment days
advice on starting your own business or going freelance
marketing yourself
most importantly....confidence to take the plunge.